Good afternoon everyone,
So, that's half term over. The principal feature of half-term at the bakery is that we always find ourselves speculating as to if and when bread numbers should go up or down, and theorising about whether people are about to go away or coming back, and so on. This particular half-term, however, also acts as a harbinger of spring, or at least the countdown to it, aka lent. Shrove Tuesday is nearly upon us, and bun-wise that can only mean one thing, semlor, hitting the counter this week coming. We like to keep these traditional; a cardamom-spiked enriched dough, which once baked is sliced open across the top, the middle crumbs scooped out and blended with our homemade almond paste. This heavenly mix is then placed back into the hollow bun, topped with lightly whipped vanilla cream, and the bun lid replaced. Not the most straightforward item to eat whilst strolling down Iffley Road, but we celebrate risk-takers and optimists. And will provide napkins on request.
Speaking of risk-taking optimism, we promised a Covered Market update. Anyone who has recently traversed avenue two of Oxford's most venerable retail hub may have noticed that where the Hamblin name once adorned separate units, with the removal of a wall, to quote Kate's childhood mentors the Spice Girls (Geri, if you must ask), two have become one. We are pleased to announce the imminent arrival of Hamblin Bread Covered Market, a logical progression for our town centre outpost. So, what to expect? Well, all your Iffley Road favourites will be present and correct in terms of bread, buns and baked goods, and these will still be available to order for collection. In addition, we have installed a small seating area, upgraded our coffee machine, and have been working on a repertoire of hot sandwiches, from our ideal bacon roll (back or streaky... both) to hot sausage and house made ketchup, grilled cheese and a tuna melt. Warm buns and buttered teacakes will be available to enjoy alongside a Red Bank coffee. There has even been talk of bringing back the Hamblin Breakfast (IYKYK). We are very much hoping to launch on Thursday March 6th, but with all the usual provisos regarding slips, cups and lips, do tune in next week for confirmation and some too-good-to-miss opening week promos.
On the cold plate this week we are continuing with several of last week's cheeses, which we enjoyed tremendously, and which disappeared too quickly. Buchette de Manon, an elegant cylinder of Provencal goat's cheese, sprinkled with winter savory, enchanted us with its rich texture and perfume. Cabecou, a darling little disc, also goat's milk, from Southwest France, also brought great pleasure, softer than Buchette, with a silky, glossy paste and nicely developed flavour. Finally, from slightly closer to home, South Lanarkshire to be precise, Blackmount will also be returning. This dense, fudgy, cheese has a fully ripened mould rind and really packs a punch with an upfront meaty, savoury profile and pronounced goatiness.
That seems quite enough for this week. Thank you all so much for reading and enjoy the rest of your weekend,
Kate and Hugo